Handle valve with precaution
Take care of the coating and protections. Do not drag the valves, avoid shocks and frictions which may cause starters of corrosion.
Store the equipment under good conditions
The valves must be protected from;
Humidity and rain to avoid corrosion;
Wind, sand: to avoid the penetration of sold particles whose presense is catastrophic for the tightness;
Sunshine and heat; they damage the coating, particularly harmful for plastic valves and fittings very sensitive to the ultraviolet.
Valves with rubber seat must always be stored half half-opened.
The aparatuses with metal seat must be stored closed (except particular specifications) to avoid the penetration of the particles in internal volumes.
Ball valves must be stored in open position.
Preserve the aparatuses with their plastic caps which should be taken away when mounting the valves.
Clean the pipes
Rinsing the pipes is essential (water, air, stearn if compatible) before testing and starting of the installations. It is critical to eliminate all the particles and several objects which could remain in the pipes and especially welding residues which could definitively damage the valve seat.
Clean the gasket seat
Be sure that the gasket seats are perfectly clean and free from stripes.
Align pipings
Control piping alignment. For correcting bad alignments do not rely on the valves: this may cause leakage and operating defect or even of breaking.
Avoide Water Hammers
A rise in pressure of extreme brutality can be generated by a water hammer. A water hammer can cause the damage: butterfly valve disc splits, destroyed various aparatus, axes deformed. There are very varied causes of the water hammers but generally: the starting of pump and the sudden closing of valve.
Respect assembly direction
Certain valves are one-way (non-return valve, knife gate valves, etc)
Take care of an assembly in conformity with the arrow direction or of the instructions of assembly.
Use support for heavy valves
In certain cases, valves of large lenght, heavy servo-motor, it can be essential to provide for supports which will avoid tensions prejudicial with the operating risking the fast deterioration of the stem and of the tightness.
Maintenance and control